
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

response 4 yuni's tag

yuni aku nk jwb tag ko ni...smpi bg msg kat skype nak suh aku jwb..hahahaha

Directions : Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write a post with sixteen random things, habits or goals about you.At the end, choose five people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them.Don’t forget to leave a comment (”You’re tagged!”) and to read your blog.You can’t tag the person who tagged you. Since you can’t tag me, let me know when you’ve posted your blog, so I can see your weirdness.

1. today is my besday!!!!...yeahhhh..welcome 2 da group of 22nd years old..hihihi (umo jek besar tp org kecik jek..stil maintain cute & awet muda...zasssss!!!!!!)=p

2. xcepat marah n cepat sejuk kalo da marah tu..

3. suka simpan dlm ati kalo der terasa dgn someone..

4. sensitive....mudah nangis kalo der something yg mengusik jiwa tu..cewahhhh..hahaha

5. suka gelakkan org..kalo da gelak tu cam setan (ayu yg kate) ..xleh nk benti smpi kuar air mata..hahahaha

6. pantang nmpk camera...mesti nk mencapapkan muka..hahaha..coz rs diri ni pling comey..kihkihkih..(tgk jek la kamera sape2 yg ade aku tyme tu..sure muka aku jek lebey...kalah gambo tuan punye kamera....hahaha)

7. benci org yg hipokrit..ckp xserupa bikin...xsuka gak org yg ego lebey2..nyampah..poyo jek die sorg jek ade ego..(emo la plak!!!!...huhuhu)

8. suka kasut color putih...=) xkn beli kasut br selagi kasut tu xputus..hahaha....

9. minat kat pooh..ape2 bnda yg ade gambo pooh mst teruja nk beli... (tp xsuka kalo der gambo pooh dgn pinky pig die tu..hahaha)...

10. suka bc novel percintaan...feeling seyhh!!!...smpi tergelak+tersenyum sorg2..part sdey tu sure la smpi tgk movie jek rs...hihi..

aduiyaiiii byk nyer nk kene jwb....hihihi..xpe2 aku smbg g...

11. difficult to make any decision...bila da last minute br dpt wat...poning ai kepala den ni..confius2..cmne la nk pilih calon husband t..hihihi...

12. suka tdo..kalo da tdo xigt dunia...belayar smpi mane pun xtau la hai..

13. ade taik lalat kat aku xbecok cm murai tercabut ekor tu..aku pendiam+pemalu+sopan santun..=D

14. bila pkai spec org ckp aku cm xsuka pkai spec..da critical xnmpk br pkai..hahaha

15. syg sgt2 kat harta benda milik aku....kalo ilang or rosak jek ckit mula la serabut kepala...risau nyer cm ade maslah dunia jek..hahaha

yahooo!!!!!!!!...smpi gak yg ker 16....hihi..

16. suka dgr lg smpi smpi nk pecah gegendang telinga ni haa....hope xpekak la aku tyme da tua t..hihihi...

org yg aku nk tag : 1) kari [papaku..=p]
2) amin [3rd calonku..=D]
3) nana [rumetku]
4) ayu [org gajiku..=) ]
5) ijat[bodyguardku..hahaha]

”You’re tagged!”

keep smiles =)


littlewonder said...


hepi besday!!!

moge panjang umur, murah rezeki dan ditemukan dengan jodoh yang baik.

- I.j.a.T - said...

BODYGUARD KO...???emm..mane gaji aku..?bayar r gaji aku...hahahah..

fazemy said...

Hepi besday dear..singgah kejap..

Anonymous said...

hehe.. :P

Anonymous said...

papa mu ini da merajin kn diri tok melayan tag anda..